School-Age: Humpty Dumpty
As I mentioned in my update post, I will be posting all of the fall weeks prior to the session beginning.
The second week of the fall session we will be learning a little history about the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty.
1. Reading
The book we will read is "After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back up Again" by Dan Santat.
I felt like this was a rather clever fractured fairytale and the ending was perfect.
2. Brain Break: Pop See Ko
3. Discussion
We will talk about the history and origins of the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty.
4. Craft
I found the perfect craft to make a paper finger puppet Humpty Dumpty from the Austin Public Library. It was easy to print the templates out from their website and cut them in preparation for the program.
Here's an example of mine:
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