School-Age: Chocolate Chip Cookies

As I mentioned in my update post, I will be posting all of the fall weeks prior to the session beginning.

Did you know there is a history to chocolate chip cookies? I learned about it through a new juvenile nonfiction book. Fair warning - it'll make you want to go bake some chocolate chip cookies ASAP!

1. Reading
We will read "How the Cookie Crumbled: The True (and Not-So-True) Stories of the Invention of the Chocolate Chip Cookie" by Gilbert Ford.

2. Brain Break: Jumping Jacks (for 1 minute)

3. Discussion
We will talk about the Toll House Inn, who Ruth Wakefield is, and about how Nestle created morsels for her cookie recipe. Then we will share fun facts about cookies.

4. Craft
I found a super cute and easy craft on the Mums Take 5 blog for cookies. We had left over pieces of cardboard that I cut into small circles. We will set out a variety of craft materials we have on hand (flannel, gems, puff balls, glitter glue, buttons, etc.) and let the kids go crazy.

Here's my example:
