School-Age: Feathers

As I mentioned in my update post, I will be posting all of the fall weeks prior to the session beginning.

And, for the final week of the fall session, we will teach the kids about feathers.

1. Reading
I love the book "Plume" by Isabelle Simler. As an added bonus, we can have the kids attempt to find Plume, the cat, on every page.

2. Brain Break: Rock, Paper, Scissors

3. Reading
The juvenile nonfiction book "Feathers: Not Just for Flying" by Melissa Stewart is a perfect read-aloud to teach the kids a bit more about the topic. The plan is to read up until the last page that has more detailed information about types of feathers, which I felt would be better shared with PowerPoint slides during the discussion.

4. Discussion
We will talk about the different types of feathers and what they are for. These were all mentioned in the back of "Feathers: Not Just for Flying", so I used the information and found more pictures online to share that week on the PowerPoint.

5. Craft
On the Life of Earth website, I found a neat craft for decorating feathers. I found a black-and-white feather template online and printed them out on cardstock. We will plan on setting out a variety of craft supplies that we have on-hand such as buttons, puff balls, sticks, glitter glue, and more for the kids to use to decorate.

Here's my example:
