Reading List: Picture Books about Making Mistakes

Making mistakes and having accidents are all part of growing up. Being able to admit you have made a mistake and, if necessary, say I'm sorry is a skill that can be learned. And, some mistakes actually turn out to be no mistake at all!

Picture Books about Making Mistakes:
Applegate, Katherine - Sometimes You Fly
Banks, Kate - The Eraserheads
Becker, Shelly - Even Superheroes Make Mistakes
Bernstein, Ariel - Where Is My Balloon?
Blabey, Aaron - Pig the Fibber
Blabey, Aaron - Pig the Pug
Carle, Eric - The Nonsense Show
Chichester Clark, Emma - Love is My Favorite Thing
Deedy, Carmen Agra - Rita & Ralph's Rotten Day
Dyckman, Ame - Horrible Bear!
Evans, Lezlie - The Bunnies' Picnic
Fliess, Sue - Mary Had a Little Lab
Horowitz, Ruth - Are We Still Friends?
Kang, Anna - Eraser
Kubart, Tim - Oopsie-do!
Luyken, Corinna - The Book of Mistakes
Meiners, Cheri J. - Be Honest and Tell the Truth
Meiners, Cheri J. - Try and Stick With It
Newman, Jeff - Hippo! No, Rhino
Parr, Todd - It's Okay to Make Mistakes
Rylant, Cynthia - Brownie & Pearl Make Good
Savage, Stephen - The Mixed-Up Truck
Scheffler, Axel - The Big Balloon
Steers, Billy - Tractor Mac School Day
Telchin, Eric - The Black and White Factory
Timmers, Leo - Bang
Tsurumi, Andrea - Accident
Wells, Rosemary - Fiona's Little Accident


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