
Our final theme of the Winter session was on the concepts of shapes! I was pleasantly surprised how many shapes my preschoolers actually knew. 

Now I am on to planning our next session = Summer Reading 2015!


Toddler Books:

Bear in a Square - Stella Blackstone
Blue Chameleon - Emily Gravett
Perfect Square - Michael Hall
A Star in My Orange: Looking for Natures Shapes - Dana Meachen Rau

Preschool Books:

Circle, Square, Moose - Kelly Bingham
Blue Chameleon - Emily Gravett
Perfect Square - Michael Hall
A Star in My Orange: Looking for Natures Shapes - Dana Meachen Rau
Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature - Joyce Sidman


Disappearing Donut (tune: "B-I-N-G-O"):
There is a treat that has a hole,
As you can plainly see.
Save a bite for me...CHOMP! (take away the D)
(continue with the tune...clapping when you remove letters)

There is a treat that has a hole,
As you can plainly see.
Now there's none left for me!
Source: This is a classic from my flannel drawer. 
*One of my LA's made a flannel circle out of pellon, with a hole in the center (our donut). Then she hot-glued the letters to each of the 5 pieces of the donut. We removed the slices of donut for each verse of the song.

Have You Ever Seen a Circle? (Tune: "Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?"):
Have you ever seen a circle, a circle, a circle?
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes round and round?
It rolls this way and that way, and this way and that way.
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes round and round?
Source: Step by Step Childcare
*I had the older kids draw a circle when we sang "round and round" and then we pretended to roll each direction. 

I Can Make a Heart:
I put my hands together,
This is how I start.
I curve my fingers right around,
And I can make a heart.
Source: Jbrary
*We practiced this one several times, as it was a bit harder for the younger kids who do not have fine motor skills. But it was a great activity for caregivers to interact with their children.
