
Last week's theme was about rain showers and mud. Spring is in the air so it is the perfect time for such a spring-like theme. 


Toddler Books:

Split! Splat! - Amy Gibson
Raindrop, Plop! - Wendy Lewison
Ten Dirty Pigs/Ten Clean Pigs - Carol Roth
The Big Storm: A Very Soggy Counting Book - Nancy Tafuri

Preschool Books:

Puddle Pug - Kim Norman
Ten Dirty Pigs/Ten Clean Pigs - Carol Roth
The Big Storm: A Very Soggy Counting Book - Nancy Tafuri
Blue on Blue - Dianne White


It Ain't Gonna Rain No More (with the Ukulele):
It ain't gonna rain no more, no more,
It ain't gonna rain no more,
G7 (or pause from strumming)
OH NO! It's up to my TOE,
G7                              C
But it ain't gonna rain no more.

Other verses:
OH GEE, it's up to my KNEE
OH FIDDLE, it's up to my MIDDLE
OH DREAD, it's up to my HEAD, I'm just gonna swim on home!
Source: West Bridgford U3A Strummers for the Chords
AND Jbrary for the Lyrics

Five Dirty Pigs
Five dirty pigs rolled in the mud (roll hands)
Squishy, squashy, felt so good.
The farmer took one piggy out,
"Oink, oink, oink," that piggy did shout! (turn pig over to "clean" side)
Count down till there are no more dirty piggies

No more piggies rolled in the mud.
They felt so nice and clean and good.
The farmer turned his back and then,
Those piggies rolled in the mud again! (turn piggies over to dirty side)

Song: Boots by Laurie Berkner Band (Victor Vito)
*I laminated pictures of black, brown, froggy, dancing, and rain boots for the different actions to put them up on the flannel board while we sang and danced to the song!
