
The sun is shining, it is getting warmer, and the flowers and trees are starting to bloom. What a perfect time to have the theme of gardening and flowers!


Toddler Books:

The Wind's Garden - Melanie Hope Greenberg
Sunflower - Miela Ford
If You Plant a Seed - Kadir Nelson

Preschool Books:

Plant a Little Seed - Bonnie Christensen
And Then It's Spring - Julie Fogliano
Sunflower - Miela Ford
If You Plant a Seed - Kadir Nelson


Oh, Mr. Rabbit:
"Oh, Mr. Rabbit, you've got a might habit, (jump up and down like a bunny rabbit)
Of running through my garden and eating all my _______." (run!)
Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Strawberries, Corn, Tomatoes, etc.
Source: This one was a classic script I found in my flannel draw. I updated it by laminating a bunny rabbit and a variety of familiar veggies to go along with the flannel. 

Five Pretty Flowers:
Out in the garden, growing in the sun,
Were five pretty flowers and I picked one.
Count down to no flowers. Show the kids a bouquet of picked flowers.
Source: Mel's Desk

The Gardener Plants the Seeds (Tune: "The Farmer in the Dell"):
The gardener plants the seeds,
The gardener plants the seeds,
High-ho, the derry-oh,
The gardener plants the seeds.
Other verses: 
The clouds bring the rain
The sun warms the earth
The gardener pulls the weeds
The seeds grow into flowers
