Update: Baby Tactile Board

It's our second week into our summer storytime session and using our sensory board at baby storytimes. If you missed the post, here's the project I worked on through the month of April.

Our parents LOVE it. 

The whole concept of creating community within our library walls is beginning at the storytimes for our youngest members. Mommies and caregivers that might have been a bit apprehensive to start conversations with the other moms (especially if it was their first time at storytime) are staying after and conversing. They have something to focus on and talk about, to get the conversation started.

Even in the few storytimes we have already used the sensory board, we've have mommies/caregivers staying for an hour or so AFTER storytime is finished. I encourage them to stay and hang out. It's also a bit of an incentive, too, since I really prefer them not to talk to each other during storytime. Twenty minutes of listening to me but, hey, don't worry, you can stay for an hour and hang out with each other afterwards!

All in all, it was effort well spent on the sensory board since it is such a big hit!
