Baby Animals

Last week, our theme for storytimes was Baby Animals! 


Toddler Books:
Whose Baby Am I? - John Butler
Tiptoe Joe - Ginger Foglesong Gibson
A Book of Babies - Il Sung Na

Preschool Books:
Tiptoe Joe - Ginger Foglesong Gibson
A Book of Babies - Il Sung Na
Roly-Poly Egg - Kali Stileman


Where is Baby? (Tune: "Where Is Thumbkin?"):
Where is piglet? Where is piglet?
Here I am! Here I am!
How are you today, piglet?
Very well, thank you.
Oink, oink, oink. Oink, oink, oink.
Repeat with:
Where is puppy? (woof, woof, woof)
Where is kitten? (meow, meow, meow)

Little Chick Hiding Game:
Little chick, little chick, come out to play,
What colored barn are you hiding behind today?
Source: My LA created the barns and the little chick and we came up with the rhyme together

Ten Eggs:
Flannel story found here: Jen in the Library 
However, you can tailor it to whatever flannels/puppets you have on hand and shorten it to fewer eggs.
