Flannel Project: Two Little Bluebirds and Planting a Rainbow

I was busy over the weekend at work making several flannels! Normally it is fairly busy but, this particular weekend, it was quiet both Saturday and Sunday so I used my time to make a few flannels that we needed!

Flannel Story: Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
I was inspired by Mr. Keith's flannel version of "Planting a Rainbow" on Felt-tastic Flannelboard Funtime. I did not make quite as many different types of flowers but I did try to make one of each of the colors to have a true rainbow.

Flannel: Two Little Bluebirds
This classic song (Two Little Blackbirds) is one that we sing regularly at our baby storytimes. I wanted a flannel to go along with the song but, with our flannel board being black, I wanted the color of the birds to stand out. Therefore, we have bluebirds instead of black!


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